Physical Therapy


Rapid Results

Many individuals are able to achieve rapid, lasting improvements in their pain and function. This includes those experiencing chronic pain as well diagnosed impairments such as rotator cuff tears, arthritis and other musculoskeletal issues.

Thorough assessment using the McKenzie Method® of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy® is the first step in determining whether your issue might be quickly resolved.

Relief. Conservatively.

Surgery, medications, and injections can be helpful, necessary treatment options. However, they are not without risks and side effects. Physical therapy may help improve function and decrease pain, often reducing the need for surgery or medications.

Every plan of care is carefully tailored to best meet your needs and goals. Individualized exercises, manual therapy, neuromuscular re-education, and lifestyle modifications are some of the components that might be included in your care plan.



YOU are the most important factor in determining your success. By better understanding the factors that contribute to your issue, you can better learn to care for yourself, thrive, and minimize the risk of future episodes.

Gain the confidence and freedom to travel, expand your hobbies, and compete at the highest level possible. Knowing “WHAT” to do and “WHY” will help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible.

Bridge the Gap

We offer fitness, general nutrition and lifestyle coaching to help you seamlessly transition from post-injury rehabilitation to maximizing your physical/athletic potential.

Elevate to New Heights

Take control of your life. Your dreams are possible if you are willing to put in the hard work. Our expert guidance will get you there as quickly and safely as possible, so you can spend more time creating memorable moments. Get started today, and realize the full potential that your future holds.